As someone who has been teaching and training for over 24 years, I have seen a wide variety of people come and go. And while I understand and appreciate someone becoming very enthusiastic about personal protection training, this can lead to some erroneous behavior. I always cringe a bit when I see someone walk into a public place with range pants, a 5.11 shirt, “tactical” boots, and then leave in a truck with 2A and punisher skull bumper stickers. This can lead to several issues: ● People may break into your vehicle looking for valuable firearms. ● In the event of a mass shooter they may select you as a target first, assuming you are a threat to them. ● If you were ever forced to defend yourself in any way, a zealous prosecuting attorney will use these aesthetics to paint you as a violent individual looking for confrontation. ● Decorating your vehicle and wearing certain clothing may polarize individuals who are idealogues and lead to unnecessary confrontations in public. ● It is always smarter to be underestimated if you ever actually have to take action. Just a few of my thoughts on avoiding peacocking as much as possible. Be prepared, take your personal security into your own hands, and stay safe out there

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