Conditioning, it's for Everyone!

One of my coaches that prepared me for my ring fights gave me an excellent metaphor: “Your fight techniques are tools in a locked toolbox, your conditioning is the key that opens that lock.” If one of your priorities is being able to adequately protect yourself and your loved ones (and it should be for everyone) you must have at least a basic foundation of fitness and possibly specific conditioning for your goals. I spent over 18 years as a personal trainer and one thing that surprised me once I got into the industry was that someone training for a triathlon had to individually focus on running, biking, and swimming to be proficient at all three. Despite each one of those activities being considered “cardio“, proficiency at one has very little carryover into the others. So whatever your chosen modality is for your own security and personal protection, make sure you are properly conditioning yourself. Another facet to self-defense many people do not consider is how their body will react after an adrenaline dump. If you have not undertaken activities that stimulate this physiological response you would be surprised at how your body may react. I have observed clients during stress inoculation drills begin to shake, lose fine motor skills, have almost zero peripheral vision, hyperventilate, or sometimes just freeze in place and not react to any outside stimulus. While I mentioned conditioning in the context of being physically fit, you must also condition yourself to be able to deal with stress. Because when it comes to protecting your own life or that of your loved ones, there is very little that will be more stressful in your lifetime. I have observed clients during stress inoculation drills begin to shake, lose fine motor skills, have almost zero peripheral vision, hyperventilate, or sometimes just freeze in place and not react to any outside stimulus. Be prepared, take your personal security into your own hands and stay safe out there

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